About Me

Hi, my name is Preston Good. I’m eleven years old, and first became interested in making paper airplanes when I saw an interesting video on YouTube. It’s amazing how many things you can make with paper; one of the most inexpensive materials in the world.

There has been a lot of trial and error in making this website, but I never gave up. A lot of my paper airplane ideas didn’t really work at first: they would go up, flop all over, then crash. But then I started getting them right, and it felt like I was king of the world.

I’ve always wanted to make a website about something that I love to do, and that is paper-airplanes. I have a wonderful family that supports me in everything I do, and just like every other boy my age I love video games, Minecraft, and Legos.

My hope for this website is that other kids will be inspired to follow their own dreams and share in some of my passion about paper airplanes and Aerodynamics.

How to make 3 paper airplanes in 15 minutes

The first one is the Harrier.


How to make the Harrier.

Step 1. take a sheet of paper(any kind of paper)fold paper in half.the fold each of the corners to the center crease.

Step 2. take the to corners you just folded and fold them to the bottom.







My first YouTube video about paper airplanes.

I hope you enjoy this link its my first ever YouTube video in my life i hope you enjoy it as much as i did making it.The video is about paper airplanes for you and your kids so have fun.

Why i like the pictures in the video.

The reason why i like the pictures because they are the best paper airplanes in the world.


 How to make a ninja poper.







step 1.take a sheet of paper.

step 2.fold paper in half horazontliy